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"Burr and McCallum fitted the house to the land like moss to a rock.”

- Robert Campbell, FAIA, architecture critic for the Boston Globe

"Frank Gehry meets the Shakers" is how former Dean of the Yale Architecture School, Thomas Beebe, once described our work.

These two quotes describe what we strive for in our architecture. It must start with a strong connection with the site: physically, historically, and emotionally. And from that beginning emerges invention. We love to use old materials in innovative ways. We update traditional construction methods that have proven their worth over centuries with new materials and current energy conservation techniques. History is our friend and our inspiration.

Franklin Andrus Burr, FAIA Emeritus, received his B. A. from Williams College and his M. Arch. from the Yale School of Architecture (1970).

Ann Kidston McCallum, FAIA, received her B. A. from McGill University and her M. Arch. from Yale School of Architecture (1980). For many years she taught architectural design at Williams College. Ann is a registered architect in Massachusetts and New York.

Ann and Andy are both Fellows of the American Institute of Architects (FAIA). Becoming a Fellow is considered a great honor; fewer than 2 percent of all registered architects in the United States are elected to fellowship in the AIA. Of these, less than 15% are design fellows, putting Burr and McCallum Architects in an honored status among less than one half of one percent of all American architects.

David Shaughnessy, Partner, has been a vital part of the firm’s success for nearly four decades. David is in charge of construction documents and project management, collaborating with contractors, suppliers, consultants, and clients.

Click HERE to read about Dave's partnership at Burr and McCallum in the Bennington Banner.